Like any good idea that comes to mind; it stays, dwells, festers for a while, until it is utilized or discarded. It wasn't until I'd done plenty of soul searching that I went to pick up that discarded idea.
I've been told that once you become engaged, the wedding fever ensues. Well I got the fever alright...along with that came a slight obsession with blogs. Wedding, fashion, photography, cooking, decorating, the list of blogs goes on. Enlightening my mind, stirring senses, and reviving my creativity, I began dreaming of what I could do in the daily grind to embark on these feelings.
I began with the decorating and design aspects of my wedding. Using the many inspirations online, I envisioned a vintage, rustic dream wedding. I added fashion styling to my repertoire, practicing on my willing mother. When that wasn't enough, I took a wack at sewing and other crafty endeavors.
My hope is to be a source of knowledge for others who enjoy the designs of the heart; those daily tasks and creative moments we all have. Whether it is decorating, giving fashion advice, organizing clutter, crafting odds 'n ends, or slaving away in the kitchen, I'm happy, content. You could say my heart is full of daisies...