Simple Date Granola Bars

It's really not like me to feel so off and out of it for more than a day, but lately I've felt like I'm living in a haze. It's these ruts, deep and unannounced, that force me to dive deeper into my passions, like running & cooking, in hopes of resurfacing. It's so cliche, but putting on my running gear and getting out the door is seriously the hardest part. Once I'm out there, the motivation escalates quickly. Same can be said for cooking - it's figuring out what to make that is the biggest hurdle. Maybe it's the fact that Spring finally feels like it's here or that I've got to a point in these doldrums that I've realized that we are truly limitless. That the obstacles that make the days seem so daunting are hurdles we can overcome. It's usually ourselves that put up these limits that make our world seem impossible. Well listen up people - you are limitless. You will overcome. And if you don't think you can, look at the boundaries you or others have put up around yourself, then tear them down. 

For those days where you need energy to conquer those obstacles and prove you are limitless, nothing does it quite like a snack filled with dates & peanut butter! 

Simple Date Granola Bars

1 1/2 cup oats
1 1/2 cup dates
1/4 cup almonds, roughly chopped
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup coconut 
4 TB flaxseed, ground
1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup agave 
1/8 tsp salt

Soak dates in warm water until they soften. 
Process dates in food processor, turning it into a creamy texture. 
Mix dates, oats, almonds, sunflower, coconut, flaxseed & cinnamon in a bowl. 
In a small saucepan, heat peanut butter, agave, and salt until all is melted. 
Pour over dry ingredients and make sure it's mixed well. 
Pour mixture into a 8X8 dish and press top to flatten evenly. 
Let cool, then cut!

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