Archive for August 2013

How Make Your Own Kombucha

So there has been a little hiatus from the blog, one which I didn't really plan on. At the beginning of this month I decided I wanted to challenge myself with my cooking. As Zach and I ramped up for some of the biggest training days of our running career, I knew we'd need to be eating like mad men; so I figured I might as well challenge myself to learn a new recipe or at least cook a homemade meal every day. Thus, the #dailyrecipechallenge began.

I've put a lot more time into this than I had hoped, but the rewards are bountiful. I could have easily stayed stagnant in my cooking, but that in itself is not what cooking is about! I wanted to better myself as this is a craft that I will never put down, one where I hope to someday become a master at. 

Even though I've made Kombucha several times already this summer, it was definitely a recipe I couldn't forget to make during this challenge. So here is what you'll need: 

6 cups of distilled water
1/2 cup of sugar (I use turbinado) 
2 TB of loose leaf black english breakfast tea
1 scoby (you can grow your own or purchase one) 
1 cup of starter tea (you can use apple cider vinegar if you don't have this) 

On the stovetop bring 2 cups of water, ½ cup of turbinado sugar, and 2 tablespoons of loose leaf black english breakfast tea to a boil. Turn off heat and let steep for a few minutes. You can steep for up to 30 minutes if you like, but I usually don't have that much patience.

Strain tea making sure no leaves are left. Pour into 1/2 gallon glass Ball jar. Let cool! To help move this process along you can fill the jar with some cold distilled water. Wait until tea is around 85 degrees or room temperature before adding the rest of the water (you will be adding 4 cups of water total).

Once the tea is at correct temperature, add 1 cup of starter tea and your scoby. Top the rest of the jar off with room temperature water if needed. Leave about 2 inches of room for the tea to breathe. Cover with coffee filter and date it. In 10 to 14 days it should be done! Taste test to see if you want to wait longer for a more “vinegary” taste.

To add flavor: Put fruit or herbs in after you take the scoby out. Put cap on for carbonation and leave in cabinet for second fermentation. (another 10-14 days or whatever your taste buds prefer!)

Have you made Kombucha before? 
Do you prefer plain or one spiked with flavors?

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Weekend Adventures // Olympia XC Reunion

Friends are pretty dang hard to find. 
I've been living in Grand Rapids for over 2 years and it amazes me that the people I'm the most close to are rarely ones I've met here. Maybe it's the fact that I'm out of school and honestly don't make time to pursue new relationships... or maybe it's because I'm just happy with a very small group of folks I call friends. 

Thru high school and college, running is where I've met the most amazing ladies - they are gals who just get me; or rather put up with me. So I can't express how floored I was when some of my oldest high school running mates decided to make the trek to Michigan this summer. Years have gone by, but the instant they walked up to our front door, it was like I was back in high school. 

I gave them just taste of West Michigan by heading out to Grand Haven for a 10k race; of course we had to make a stop to the beach. Sitting out on the pier with these ladies, I thought about how natural this felt, like we had done this many times over. This is what true friendship feels like. 

True friends embrace each other's views on life. They constantly want to learn more about you and genuinely listening to you, even if these views don't align perfectly with their own. To hear my friends openly ask questions about my lifestyle and eating habits, while not judging me in the slight, reassured me that these ladies are keepers. My gracious guest allowed me to cook for them vegan meals that weekend. Filling our bellies, we laughed and teased each other as we rehashed the ridiculous high school memories that will never die. 

Thank you Tiff, Jill, and Becky. 
You have no idea how much the time spent with you meant to me. 
Love you. Till next time. WTVeganVacy2014!

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