I find and seek inspiration through different lenses. There is the feminine side of me that falls deeply in love with all things soft and subtle. I'm not a pink girl at all, but frills and ruffles speak to me. Nature works wonders on my soul, allowing me to express how much I treasure this wonderful Earth through decor and the way I eat. Intoxicating music, thought provoking novels, and insightful blogs, refuel my inner being - greasing those rusty wheels in preparation of creating something wonderful. People, they intrigue me to no end. Watching others interact around me, wondering what they are thinking and how they truly feel about their life. It is through those deep, intimate conversations that I thrive, I grow, I learn. To gain knowledge from a loved one is divine; to have that trust and closeness is one of the best feelings in the world, and it inspires me to be better. It is the simple things: a cup of coffee, seeing the sunset, a warm shower, a kiss on the nose, the feeling after a long run, a wink and a nod, these are the types of things that provoke my thoughts and fill my love tank. These are the types of things that make my heart full of daisies.